The Center for Public Law of the MCC Law School offers a colorful palette of professional programs to all law students interested in public law. Over the years, the Center led by Dr. Márton Sulyok has organized many international events, including the "MCC Conference on Essential State Functions in Platform Regulation", a summer university in Greece in cooperation with the European Public Law Organization, and study trips abroad. Of course, the Center for Public Law also helps in the development of students with the opportunity to participate in trips within Hungary, for example, at Révfülöp, law students could hear about the issues surrounding legislation. In addition to the permanent instructor of the Center for Public Law, Dr. Zsuzsanna Éva Monori, several instructors hold courses in both Hungarian and English language. Lecturers such as Cass R. Sunstein, Nuno Garoupa, Lee Strang, as well as Dr. Péter Paczolay, Dr. András Zs. Varga, Dr. Péter Darák, Dr. Lilla Nóra Kiss and Dr. Norbert Tribl gave lectures at the Center for Public Law. The current list of members of the Center for Public Law is completed by professional coordinator, dr. Mónika Mercz. The number of the Center for Public Law's members is constantly increasing, currently Péter Nemere and Andrea Ménkű are junior researchers, and Júlia Sztáray is a member of the Center for Public Law.
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State, main power, self-identity and integration
The state and the opinion market: The effects of social media on democracy
Gyermekvédelem az Európai Unióban és az online platformokon
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Gyermekvédelem az Európai Unióban és a platformokon a mesterséges intelligencia világában
Az állam funkciója az integrációban: alapvető vagy lényegi?
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