After having seen three consecutive years of oustanding stock market returns, 2022 brought losses and volatility unseen since the Great Financial Crisis. The unprecedent market events brought about by the war in Ukraine, supply chain issues and rising interest rates, such as the euro-dollar parity and record high energy prices, makes asset manager’s life all the more exciting. After more than a decade of low inflation, low volatility and record returns, how will asset managers adapt to the high-inflation high-volatility new normal? Do the coming years present a threat to the industry, or is it rather an opportunity for portfolio managers to gain competitive advantage? And more importantly, what should ordinary retail investors keep in mind, when managing their savings? Derek Horstmeyer, Professor of Finance at George Mason University, Péter Kadocsa, CEO of AEGON Asset Management and Márton Oláh, Member of the Board of Directors at Diófa Asset Management will help us to find an answer to these questions.
- Derek Horstmeyer, Professor of Finance at George Mason University
- Márton Oláh, Member of the Board of Directors at Diófa Asset Management
- Péter Kalocsa, CEO of AEGON Asset Management
- Moderátor: Marcell Balázs
We welcome all those interested!